SCCP Hub - Overview
SS7 SCCP hub for routing signalling between SS7 applications
The SCCP Hub is for the development and testing of SS7/SIGTRAN applications. It is a public sandbox and shared resource.
Sandbox environment
The sandbox environment of SCCP Hub can be accessed using M3UA at:
Name | Host | Protocol | Port | Point Code |
Melrose Labs SCCP Hub | | M3UA | 2905 | 1 (decimal) |
Routing requirement
Signalling MSUs are routed based on the global title in the called party address (i.e. "route on GT"). MSUs are routed using M3UA from the originating SS7 application to the SCCP Hub at point code 1. The SCCP Hub identifies the destination IP address and point code and then routes the MSUs using M3UA to the destination SS7 application.
The called party and calling party must be structured as follows:
- Routing Indicator: Route on GT
- Global Title Indicator: Translation Type, Numbering Plan, Encoding Scheme, Nature of Address Indicator
- SubSystem Number Indicator: SSN present
- Point Code Indicator: Point Code not present
Called Party address (10 bytes)
Address Indicator
0... .... = Reserved for national use: 0x0
.0.. .... = Routing Indicator: Route on GT (0x0)
..01 00.. = Global Title Indicator: Translation Type, Numbering Plan, Encoding Scheme, and Nature of Address Indicator included (0x4)
.... ..1. = SubSystem Number Indicator: SSN present (0x1)
.... ...0 = Point Code Indicator: Point Code not present (0x0)
SubSystem Number: MSC (Mobile Switching Center) (8)
[Linked to TCAP, TCAP SSN linked to GSM_MAP]
Global Title 0x4 (8 bytes)
Translation Type: 0x00 (0)
0001 .... = Numbering Plan: ISDN/telephony (0x1)
.... 0001 = Encoding Scheme: BCD, odd number of digits (0x1)
.000 0100 = Nature of Address Indicator: International number (0x04)
Called Party Digits: 278291600
Called or Calling GT Digits: 278291600
Number of Called Party Digits: 9
Country Code: South Africa (Republic of) (27)
Calling Party address (11 bytes)
Address Indicator
0... .... = Reserved for national use: 0x0
.0.. .... = Routing Indicator: Route on GT (0x0)
..01 00.. = Global Title Indicator: Translation Type, Numbering Plan, Encoding Scheme, and Nature of Address Indicator included (0x4)
.... ..1. = SubSystem Number Indicator: SSN present (0x1)
.... ...0 = Point Code Indicator: Point Code not present (0x0)
SubSystem Number: MSC (Mobile Switching Center) (8)
[Linked to TCAP, TCAP SSN linked to GSM_MAP]
Global Title 0x4 (9 bytes)
Translation Type: 0x00 (0)
0001 .... = Numbering Plan: ISDN/telephony (0x1)
.... 0010 = Encoding Scheme: BCD, even number of digits (0x2)
.000 0100 = Nature of Address Indicator: International number (0x04)
Calling Party Digits: 447892060001
Called or Calling GT Digits: 447892060001
Number of Calling Party Digits: 12
Country Code: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (44)
Routing configuration
The SCCP Hub routes MSUs based on configured global titles, specifically the called party address.
To route signalling MSUs, the SCCP Hub needs to be able to determine to which M3UA session an MSU should be routed. It does this by looking-up the called party address in the SCCP Hub's routing table.
Routing table example entry:
Called party address | Point Code | IP address |
12080011047228190600 | 2 | |
When routing an MSU, the SCCP Hub will modify the MSU's MTP routing label. The OPC will be set to the point code of the SCCP Hub (i.e. point code 1). The DPC will be set to be the point code in the routing table for the relevant called party address.
The called party and calling party addresses will not be modified by the SCCP Hub.
Manage routing
Routing table entries can be managed at:
This page enables a called party address to be associated with a point code and IP address pair.

Updated 27 days ago